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Two homemade pizzas with an elegant twist

Two homemade pizzas with an elegant twist

Looking for an elegant idea to impress your guests with? Prepare these homemade pizzas – blanco style, without the traditional tomato sauce. The flavour pairings of these two pizzas toppings are an interesting twist, but so good!

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Maklike mieliesop

Maklike mieliesop

’n Mieliesop is dikwels ’n dik en romerige wintersop, maar hierdie is ’n ligte, vars weergawe. Dis so geurig en kan as voorgereg of ligte maaltyd voorgesit word. Maak dit meer vullend met iets soos spek of skyfies chorizo as jy wil.

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Baked egg cups

Baked egg cups

Next time you feel like inviting people for brunch, try this quick and easy, yet interesting way to serve eggs. The preparation can all be done ahead of time and the eggs can be baked just before you want to serve them. Simple yet delicious!

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Maak dié geurige toebroodjies om gesellige saam te eet, of dit by ‘n piekniek of op jou eie stoep is. Laat elkeen kan hul eie broodjie met hul keuse van bestanddele ‘bou’.

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Berry & cinnamon oat bowls

Berry & cinnamon oat bowls

A bowl of oats is a nutritious breakfast and doesn’t have to be the same every day. Here is a fun and colourful way to brighten up your next breakfast. Berries are known for their health benefits as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and a natural way to sweeten the oats. Enjoy the flavour combination of these fruits with a dash of lemon zest, cinnamon and a sprinkle of nuts and seeds.

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Spicy peanut rice with eggs

Spicy peanut rice with eggs

Peanuts are typically enjoyed as a quick snack, but there are many different types of cuisines that use peanuts as a prominent ingredient. This combination of peanuts, spices and aromatic rice is really fragrant. Enjoy this as a fabulous vegetarian meal.

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Tomato & chorizo tart

Tomato & chorizo tart

The pastry is so easy and super delicious, make a double batch and freeze half for later. This tart has the perfect balance between flavours with sweet cherry tomatoes and aromatic chorizo sausage. It is a sure winner! Enjoy it as a light meal or as a savoury tart at teatime.

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