

Maak dié geurige toebroodjies om gesellige saam te eet, of dit by ‘n piekniek of op jou eie stoep is. Laat elkeen kan hul eie broodjie met hul keuse van bestanddele ‘bou’.

Tomato & chorizo tart

Tomato & chorizo tart

The pastry is so easy and super delicious, make a double batch and freeze half for later. This tart has the perfect balance between flavours with sweet cherry tomatoes and aromatic chorizo sausage. It is a sure winner! Enjoy it as a light meal or as a savoury tart at teatime.

Bobotie muffins

Bobotie muffins

Remember that lunch boxes are not only for the kids and if you need something to keep everyone full throughout the day, these bobotie muffins are just the answer. Pack them with some lightly cooked green beans or broccoli and fresh fruit or salad ingredients… lunch is sorted, and anything but boring!

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