1 Pizza op 2 maniere

1 Pizza op 2 maniere

Tuisgemaakte pizza is soveel pret! Al wat jy nodig het, is ’n betroubare deegresep, aromatiese tamatiesous en bolae van jou keuse. In die blog gee ek jou al die resepte, wenke en idees om jou eie kombuis in ’n ‘pizza-restaurant’ te omskep.

Spaghetti carbonara

Spaghetti carbonara

This classic spaghetti carbonara is silky, creamy and delicious. It’s a quick and easy dinner – you’ll want to go back for more than one helping.



Bobotie! Everyone has their version of this South African favourite – a mince dish with typical Cape Malay seasonings and baked with an egg custard on top. This is my version, which I developed for AMC Cookware’s recipe book, The AMC Book years ago and it remains my go-to recipe.

Bacon & potato soup

Bacon & potato soup

Soup is homely, comfort food and this recipe will quickly become a winter favourite, not just because of the flavour, but also the chunky texture. Bacon and potato always work well together, but make sure you remove any excess bacon fat, otherwise it can settle on top of the soup. Also take care when seasoning, as bacon is salty. Potatoes don’t freeze well as they become glassy. Rather keep leftovers for lunch the next day.

Lamb chops in a curry marinade

Lamb chops in a curry marinade

In South Africa we love to braai! So, it’s great to have a good marinade on hand. This curry marinade will be as good on chicken, pork or beef. You can even make delicious sosaties (kebabs) with this marinade. The perfect recipe to make for the public holiday tomorrow!

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