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Bierbrood met kaas & kruie/ Beer bread with cheese and herbs

Sep 27, 2022 | Accompaniments, Baking, Extras, Starchy side

Dit is een van die maklikste maniere om warm brood op die tafel te hê. Jy kan die geurmiddels maklik varieer om by jou smaak en voorkeur te pas. Dis ’n heerlike bygereg met braaivleis.

Few aromas can beat that of a warm bread straight from the oven. This bread is made with baking powder, not yeast, so it’s a quick and easy way to have a warm bread at your table South Africans love to bake and a beer bread is always a popular side dish at a braai. The beer acts as another rising agent and adds to the delicious taste and texture. There are many recipes for a beer bread, but the flavour combination of fresh herbs, sundried tomatoes and cheese in Heleen Meyer’s version, is really good. If you are lucky enough to have a few slices left over, she says it makes delicious toast the next day. So, perhaps you should plan to bake two breads – one to spoil family and friends with at the braai and an extra one for toast the next day.

Resep/ Recipe

Bierbrood met kaas en kruie/ Beer bread with cheese and herbs

Resep aangepas uit Onthoukos/Food from the heart
Lewer 1 brood


300 g (500 ml) volkoringmeel (verkieslik steengemaalde meel)

280 g (500 ml) koekmeel (verkieslik steengemaalde meel)

20 ml (4 t) bakpoeier

5 ml (1 t) sout

100 g (250 ml) gerasperde beleë cheddarkaas

30 ml (2 e) vars tiemieblaartjies

1 x 340 ml-bottel bier of appelbier van jou keuse

125 ml (½ k) water

30 ml (2 e) olyfolie

6-8 gemarineerde songedroogde tamaties of pikanterissies (Peppadew®), in repies gesny

sonneblom-, papawer- of sesamsaad of ’n mengsel hiervan


  1. Voorverhit oond tot 200 ˚C. Voer en smeer ’n 1,5 liter broodpan of ander interessante houers, bv leë blikkies van verskillende vorms en groottes of individuele broodpannetjies deeglik met botter.
  2. Meng mele, bakpoeier en sout saam in ’n groot mengbak. Roer kaas en kruie by.
  3. Meng res van bestanddele, behalwe saadjies, in ’n aparte bak saam. Roer vloeistof by droë mengsel in en roer net tot al die bestanddele deur gemeng is. Moenie te veel meng nie.
  4. Skep deeg in voorbereide pan of houers en sprinkel saadjies oor. Druk saadjies liggies vas en bak brood sowat 40-45 minute of 20-30 minute vir kleiner broodjies of tot ’n toetspen net skoon uitkom.
  5. Laat broodjies vir net so 2-3 minute in pannetjies staan. Keer dan dadelik, maar versigtig uit. Sit warm saam met braaivleis.


  1. Vervang songedroogde tamaties met 125 g spek, gebraai en gekap of 125 ml fyn biltong of met 60-90 ml pesto en die cheddar- met pecorinokaas. Onthou dat die brood dan redelik sout sal wees.
  2. Dit maak heerlike roosterbrood die volgende dag – bygesê, ás daar iets oor is.

Recipe from Onthoukos/Food from the heart
Makes 1 loaf


300 g (500 ml) wholewheat flour (preferably stone ground)

280 g (500 ml) cake flour (preferably stone ground)

20 ml (4 tsp) baking powder

5 ml (1 tsp) salt

100 g (250 ml) grated mature white cheddar cheese

30 ml (2 tbsp) fresh thyme leaves

1 x 340 ml can or bottle beer or cider of your choice

125 ml (½ cup) water

30 ml (2 tbsp) olive oil

6-8 marinated sundried tomatoes or sweet piquanté peppers (Peppadew®), cut into strips

sunflower, poppy or sesame seeds or a mixture of seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 200 °C. Line the base of a 1,5 litre bread tin or any other heat-resistant containers, like different shaped and sized tins or individual bread tins, and lightly grease with butter.
  2. Mix the flours, baking powder and salt together in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the cheese and herbs.
  3. Whisk the rest of the ingredients, except the seeds, together in a separate bowl.
  4. Stir the liquid into the dry ingredients and mix just until all the ingredients are incorporated. Do not overmix.
  5. Spoon the batter into the prepared tin or smaller tins and sprinkle the seeds over. Lightly press the seeds down. Bake the large bread for about 40-45 minutes or the smaller breads for 20-30 minutes or until a skewer or cake tester comes out clean.
  6. Allow the breads to stand in the tins for about 2-3 minutes. Carefully turn them out. Serve warm with braaivleis.


  1. Substitute sundried tomatoes with 125 g bacon, chopped and fried; 125 ml biltong shavings (dried cured meat – a South African delicacy); or with 60-90 ml pesto; and the Cheddar with Pecorino cheese.
  2. This bread makes delicious toast the next day – that’s to say, if there is any left.
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