Basil & tomato salad

Basil & tomato salad
Recipe from Make five
Serves 4
There are few ingredients that demonstrate the flavour-synergy (one plus one equals more than two) as well as basil and tomato. This combination is perfect as a salad, but do also try it on a sandwich.
250 g mixture of baby tomatoes, such as cherry, rosa or yellow
3 large ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced
30 ml (2 tbsp) basil pesto
handful fresh basil leaves
salt and pepper
1. Halve any baby tomatoes that may be too big for a fork. Arrange on a salad platter with the tomato slices.
2. Drizzle the pesto over the salad just before serving. Garnish with basil leaves and serve with a pinch of coarse salt and a good grind of black pepper.
1. Add ricotta, goats’ or mozzarella cheese to the salad. Each cheese gives a different flavour combination, so be creative and use it, as a salad, in couscous or on pasta or a sandwich. Don’t forget to also try this on a braai toastie.
Tags: Basil | basil pesto | family food | food consultant | gesinskos | gesond | healthy cooking | healthy ingredients | Tomatoes