Hutspot met tuna en groente

Hutspot met tuna en groente

Tuna is so veelsydig en hierdie vinnige eenpotgereg is propvol wintergeure en perfek om sommer uit ’n bakkie te eet. Daar is genoeg stysel in die gereg, so sit dit net so voor vir ‘n vullende ete.

Bean & veggie soup

Bean & veggie soup

This is my version of an Italian minestrone with beans and lots of veggies – fabulous to make this weekend! The beans are soaked overnight and then precooked before adding the fresh veggies. This way the beans are soft and the veggies don’t overcook, but still have some texture and lots of colour.

Bacon & potato soup

Bacon & potato soup

Soup is homely, comfort food and this recipe will quickly become a winter favourite, not just because of the flavour, but also the chunky texture. Bacon and potato always work well together, but make sure you remove any excess bacon fat, otherwise it can settle on top of the soup. Also take care when seasoning, as bacon is salty. Potatoes don’t freeze well as they become glassy. Rather keep leftovers for lunch the next day.

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