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Two dips, many ways

Two dips, many ways

Making your own dip is really easy and so much healthier and more enjoyable than another pre-prepared version. It is also more affordable than buying one from the shop. Try these two delicious dip ideas this weekend – perfect to serve with an array of fresh seasonal fruit and veg for an outdoor picnic or for spring or summer snacking.

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Braai rub

Braai rub

Make a big batch of this dry braai rub and store in a jar to have in your kitchen for a variety of meals. It’s so easy to quickly whip up and delicious over steak, chicken, or vegetables.

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Tuisgemaakte mayonnaise

Tuisgemaakte mayonnaise

As jy eers ’n lekker tuisgemaakte mayonnaise geproe het, is daar min wat daarby kan kers vashou. As jy dit nog nooit voorheen gemaak of geproe het nie, is dit nou jou kans. En dis maklik om te maak – volg net die metode stapsgewys.

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Hummus (of hoemoes gespel en as ‘goemoes’ uitgespreek) is ‘n bekende Mediterreense kekerertjie-‘patee’. Dis ’n smullekker happie op warm repe geroosterde pitabrood, as ’n doopsous met groente, koue frikkadelle of hoendervleis of op enige toebroodjies, om maar net ’n paar idees te noem.

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’n Vinaigrette kan selfs as ‘marinade’ gebruik word. Enige van die twee weergawes is heerlik om hoender, vis of groente mee te meng en dan te rooster. Die resep maak genoeg vir meer as een ete, so hou die res in die yskas vir tot ’n week.

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Eenvoudige tamatiesous met variasies

Eenvoudige tamatiesous met variasies

Pasta word hoofsaaklik met twee tipes pastasouse voorgesit – souse met ’n tamatiebasis en dié met ’n olie- of roombasis. Hierdie basiese tamatiesous is regtig geurig en perfek om ’n blitsvinnige ete mee te maak.

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Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce is often enjoyed as part of a festive table, but is it normally shop-bought. Making it yourself means that you know exactly what goes into it. This recipe does include pre-made apple or red currant jelly, but rather than using it as is, you can enhance the flavour and texture by adding citrus rind, port or muscadel and dried fruit.

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Mango & vanilla sauce

Mango & vanilla sauce

Mango & vanilla sauce Recipe developed for Westfalia Fruit and Woolworths Makes about 600 ml curd This dessert sauce is made in a similar way to a lemon curd, but is not as tart. Fresh mango purée gives it a creamy texture and a sweet and fruity flavour....

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