Roasted beetroot & cottage cheese dip
This colourful dip can be served in so many ways. Whether you enjoy it as a dip, on a sandwich or in a pita or wrap with chicken and salad ingredients, it’s nutritious and so easy to make.
Nut & seed sprinkle
A basic green salad or tray of roasted veggies is turned into a feast with this quick-to-make nut & seed sprinkle. The combination of spices with the crunchy texture of the roasted nuts and seeds adds lots of flavour to a variety of dishes. Nuts and seeds are known as good sources of healthy fats, so make them a part of your meals in many creative ways.
Pickled red onions/ Gepiekelde rooi uie
Pickled onions are delicious on a sandwich, with avo on toast, on a burger, in a wrap or pita bread with falafels or cold meat, in a buddha or poke bowl or even in a salad. My secret weapon is having a jar of these in my fridge! Click here for the Afrikaans and English recipe.
Strawberry & vanilla jam
When it is berry season and you have them in abundance – make jam! My go-to is this strawberry jam recipe. Jam is normally very sweet, but you don’t need as much sugar in this recipe. The lemon juice helps to set the jam and the vanilla pod adds a wonderful flavour, making it more than just jam for toast or buttered bread. It goes well with French toast, waffles, crumpets and even for breakfast or dessert with yoghurt, fresh fruit and nuts. Spread it between two layers of butter cake or use it as a sauce for pudding.
Geroosterde tamaties op geroomde feta
’n Eenvoudige, maar altyd indrukwekkende resep. Het jy al hierdie weergawe met geroosterde tamaties, balsamiese asyn en vars kruie gemaak?
Homemade dukkah
Dukkah (also known as Egyptian dukkah) is a traditional mixture of nuts, seeds and spices and is often used in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. Make my homemade version in a few easy steps. Serve as a delicious accompaniment for roasted vegetables, chicken or meat or sprinkled over a salad.
Bierbrood met kaas & kruie/ Beer bread with cheese and herbs
Dit is een van die maklikste maniere om warm brood op die tafel te hê. Jy kan die geurmiddels maklik varieer om by jou smaak en voorkeur te pas. Dis ’n heerlike bygereg met braaivleis.
Basic caramelised onions
The first few times I made these onions I used dried thyme. Soon after I started adding cumin seeds and now, I alternate between the two flavours, depending on what I am planning to serve with the onions. I use thyme if I want a more delicate flavour, and cumin when I serve it with meat.
Sundried tomato & basil pesto
This tomato pesto is so versatile. Spread it on sandwiches (braaibroodjies) or toast, dollop on scrambled eggs for a delicious breakfast and the options for sides, salads and suppers are plenty. Spread pesto on chicken breast fillets or under the skin of chicken thighs and roast in the oven. Toss the pesto through baby potatoes in the skin or chickpeas, add some crumbled feta and serve with rocket and fresh basil as a side dish.
Caramelised Pink Lady® Apples with mustard & thyme
Caramelised apples with a touch of mustard and thyme are absolutely delicious with pork fillets.
Apples are such versatile fruit and yet we tend to think more of sweet bakes or treats when we think: ‘apples’. Pink Lady® Apples are particularly versatile and much more than a snack or stock item for a lunch box.