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Jun 24, 2024 | Mains, Meat



Recipe developed for AMC Cookware
Serves 6

Everyone has their own version of this South African favourite (bobotie!) – a mince dish with typical Cape Malay seasonings and baked with an egg custard on top. This is my ever-popular version! This recipe was developed for AMC Cookware’s recipe book, The AMC Book years ago and it remains my go-to Bobotie-recipe.


15-30 ml (1-2 tbsp) olive oil

1 kg beef or lamb mince

2 thick slices wholewheat bread

250 ml (1 cup) boiling water or strong Rooibos

2 medium onions, finely chopped

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

20 ml (4 tsp) curry powder

15 ml (1 tbsp) each dried mixed herbs, ground cumin and coriander

5 ml (1 tsp) each turmeric and ground ginger

20 ml (4 tsp) smooth apricot jam

125 ml (½ cup) raisins or sultanas (optional)

40 ml (8 tsp) red wine vinegar or lemon juice

lemon juice, salt and black pepper to taste



2 extra large eggs

250 ml (1 cup) buttermilk, sour cream or milk

8-10 bay or lemon leaves

50-75 ml (25 g) flaked or slivered almonds


  1. Heat half of the oil over a medium temperature in a large frying pan or pot and brown half of the meat. Break up the meat with a wooden spoon or fork. Spoon out, set aside and repeat with the rest of the meat and oil.
  2. Meanwhile, soak the bread in the water in a mixing bowl.
  3. Sauté the onions in the same pan until soft and add the garlic, curry, herbs and spices and sauté for another 1-2 minutes. Mash bread with a fork and add with the meat to the onion and mix well.
  4. Reduce the heat and simmer with the lid for 20 minutes. Stir in the jam, raisins or sultanas and vinegar or lemon juice and season the meat to taste.
  5. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 °C. Spoon meat into an oven dish.
  6. Topping: Beat the eggs and buttermilk, sour cream or milk and season to taste. Pour over the meat and put the bay or lemon leaves into the bobotie. Sprinkle with almonds and bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. Basmati or yellow rice with raisins, is delicious with bobotie. Chutney, slices of banana, stewed peaches or a fruity or tomato-cucumber sambal compliments the spicy flavours well.


  1. This recipe works equally well baked into muffins. Click here for the Bobotie muffin recipe.
  2. Replace the bread with 1 cup ordinary oats. No soaking is necessary, so just stir that into the mixture with the browned mince and add the liquid. The raisins can also be substituted with dried cranberries, if preferred. 



Resep ontwikkel vir AMC Cookware
Lewer 6 porsies

Al het elkeen sy eie weergawe van die bekende en immergewilde SA resep, bly dit ’n groot gunsteling by almal. Hierdie resep het ek jare gelede vir AMC Cookware se resepteboek, The AMC Book ontwikkel en baie mense het al laat weet dat dit hul nommer een bobotieresep geword het.


15-30 ml (1-2 e) olyfolie

1 kg bees- of lamsmaalvleis

2 dik snye volgraanbrood

250 ml (1 k) kookwater of sterk Rooibos

2 middelslag uie, fyn gekap

2 knoffelhuisies, gekneus

20 ml (4 t) kerriepoeier

15 ml (1 e) elk gedroogde gemengde kruie, gemaalde komyn en koljander

5 ml (1 t) elk borrie en gemaalde gemmer

20 ml (4 t) gladde appelkooskonfyt

125 ml (½ k) rosyntjies of sultanas (opsioneel)

40 ml (8 t) rooi wynasyn of suurlemoensap

sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper na smaak



2 ekstra groot eiers

250 ml (1 k) karringmelk, suurroom of melk

8-10 lourier- of suurlemoenblare

50-75 ml (25 g) gesplinterde amandels


  1. Verhit helfte van olie oor ’n matige temperatuur in ’n groot braaipan of kastrol en verbruin helfte van die vleis. Breek vleis fyner met ’n houtlepel of vurk. Skep uit, hou eenkant en herhaal met die orige vleis en olie.
  2. Plaas die brood intussen in ’n mengbak, skink water oor en laat vir ’n paar minute week tot sag.
  3. Soteer uie in dieselfde pan of kastrol tot sag en voeg knoffel, kerrie, kruie en speserye by en soteer nog 1-2 minute. Druk brood fyn en roer met vleis by uie en meng goed deur.
  4. Verlaag temperatuur en prut met deksel vir 20 minute. Roer konfyt, rosyne of sultanas en asyn by en geur die vleis na smaak.
  5. Voorverhit oond intussen tot 180 °C. Skep vleis in oondbak.
  6. Bolaag: Klits eiers en karringmelk, suurroom of melk saam en geur na smaak. Skep bo-oor vleis en druk lourier- of suurlemoenblare in die bobotie. Sprinkel amandels oor en bak 40-45 minute of tot goudbruin.
  7. Basmati- of geelrys met rosyntjies is heerlik saam met bobotie. Blatjang, skyfies piesang, gestoofde perskes of ’n vrugte- of tamatie-komkommersambal vul die speserygeure baie goed aan.


  1. Die bobotiemengsel kan selfs as ‘muffins’ gebak word. Ek noem dit sommer Bobotie-bakkies. Klik hier om die volledige resep vir die Bobotie-bakkies te kry.
  2. Vervang die brood met 1 koppie gewone hawermout. Die hawermout hoef nie te week nie, so roer dit met die vleis by die uie en roer die vloeistof by. Die rosyne kan met gedroogde rooi bosbesies (cranberries) vervang word.
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