Colourful slaw with ginger & peanuts

Colourful slaw with ginger & peanuts

This salad is made for a crowd, just perfect to make at your next braai when you need to feed lots of tummies. Unlike a heavy mayonnaise-based coleslaw this slaw is light and refreshing! The Asian-inspired dressing with soya sauce, ginger and chilli pairs perfectly with the sweet pineapple and crunchy veggies. 

Asian chicken noodle soup

Asian chicken noodle soup

A warming chicken broth with deep Asian-inspired flavours and veggies is ideal as a comforting winter meal. Miso paste is a well-known, nutritious Japanese seasoning made from fermented soy beans. It sounds a little different but is so flavourful. Once you try it, you’ll want to add it to everything.

Spicy peanut rice with eggs

Spicy peanut rice with eggs

Peanuts are typically enjoyed as a quick snack, but there are many different types of cuisines that use peanuts as a prominent ingredient. This combination of peanuts, spices and aromatic rice is really fragrant. Enjoy this as a fabulous vegetarian meal.

Chilli con pollo & tortillas

Chilli con pollo & tortillas

’n Meksikaanse fees
Hoender in ’n geurige Meksikaanse sous van tamatie, soetrissies, gemaalde komyn, koljander, paprika en rooi nierboontjies – koesterkos. Dalk ken jy dit meer as chilli con carne met maalvleis, maar glo my, dis die perfekte kombinasie met hoender. Die lekkerte van ’n Meksikaanse ete is al die bakkies bykomstighede waarmee die hoofgereg geniet kan word. Die geure van die souse en salsa is ’n ontploffing van smake in jou mond.

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