Caramelised Pink Lady® Apples with mustard & thyme

Caramelised Pink Lady® Apples with mustard & thyme

Caramelised apples with a touch of mustard and thyme are absolutely delicious with pork fillets.
Apples are such versatile fruit and yet we tend to think more of sweet bakes or treats when we think: ‘apples’. Pink Lady® Apples are particularly versatile and much more than a snack or stock item for a lunch box.

Pulled pork with sage, apples & pears

Pulled pork with sage, apples & pears

Flavours that you remember for a very long time – that’s true of this lovely winter recipe. I developed this recipe a few years ago to show how easy and delicious it is to use Cecilia’s Farm dried fruit when cooking. This has remained one of my huge favourites. I hope you and your family will enjoy it as much as we still do.

Pink Lady® Apple tart

Pink Lady® Apple tart

How can I best describe this apple tart? Caramelised apple wedges with honey, a touch of lemon, cranberries and a delicate combination of spices. But that’s not it yet – it all sits on an almond and butter layer, wrapped in a light and crisp butter pastry. Absolutely delicious. This Pink Lady® apple tart is one of the best I have ever made (and eaten). Yes, it’s a bit of extra work, but oh, so worth it.

Pink Lady® Apple cake

Pink Lady® Apple cake

I love Pink Lady® Apples and although they are not back in season yet, I am keeping this recipe on hand for the moment they are on shelf in May. And seeing that South Africans love to bake, I just have to share this delicious cake so long.
The moist cake with its soft texture is really special and similar to a typical Ukranian apple cake. Ian Sklarsky shared this family recipe with the Pink Lady® team and they were so excited about it, that they shared it with us at a lovely launch event a few years ago. The natural sweetness of the apples and the ability to hold their structure, even when baked, is just what you need for this cake.

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