Rooibos-malvapoeding & vla

Rooibos-malvapoeding & vla

Karringmelk vir ’n sagte tekstuur en Rooibostee vir ’n subtiele, maar interessante geur – dit maak dié resep spesiaal. Die tuisgemaakte Rooibosvla is heerlik – moenie die fyngerasperde suurlemoenskil uitlos nie, dis ’n verrassende geurelement. Die resep gebruik aansienlik minder suiker, maar jy gaan dit nie eers agterkom nie.



Op ’n koue dag maak die poeding jou hart én maag warm. Die gebakte suurlemoenpoeding met sy soetsuursous onder in die bak is alombekend. My ma, Letteli Nel, het eendag besluit om grenadellapulp by die beslag te roer en wat ’n verrassing! Nou is dit ons ‘onthoukos’, want my kinders vra altyd dat ek die poeding so moet maak.

Hot chocolate

Hot chocolate

Homemade hot chocolate is so easy to make and a healthier alternative to shop-bought powders or mixes. If you prepare your own, you can control what goes into each mug of deliciousness and choose better quality chocolate that is lower in sugar and other additives. Remember, dark chocolate gives a better, richer flavour than milk chocolate. If preferred, you can stir in a little honey for a sweeter taste.

Warm citrus pudding

Warm citrus pudding

As a child, this was one of my all-time favourite winter desserts. It’s called a self-saucing citrus pudding and just what you need on a cold day. I can imagine the flavours as I am writing. The feather light batter on top has a sweet-sour sauce which forms underneath as it bakes and is quite a surprise element if you have never eaten this before. So, if you’re making this for the first time, don’t be alarmed when you dish up – this is how it’s supposed to be.

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