Aromatic citrus chicken

Aromatic citrus chicken

A flavourful chicken dish, so easy to prepare, and this cooking method keeps the chicken juicy. The combination of tomato paste, citrus, spices and tangy apricots is so good.

Plathoender met feta, kruie & songedroogde tamaties

Plathoender met feta, kruie & songedroogde tamaties

Kyk, party bestanddele is nou maar eenmaal ’n wonderlike kombinasie, soos vars kruie en suurlemoen. Of basiliekruid en tamatie. Sit nou ’n bietjie fetakaas by en almal gaan hul lippe aflek. Moenie huiwerig wees om ’n heel hoender soos dié plathoender voor te berei nie – volg net die stappe, dis regtig maklik. As die hoender só gaargemaak word, lyk dit indrukwekkend, word mooi eweredig gaar en is baie maklik om in porsies op te sny.’n Besonderse ete!

Roasted chicken & two ways to use it

Roasted chicken & two ways to use it

Roast chicken is such a comforting meal. Use this easy and very flavourful recipe – the combination of balsamic vinegar, honey and lemon with fresh herbs is always a winner. The roasted lemon rind is just so delicious! Use any of the suggested ways below to make the most of any leftover chicken.

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