by Heleen Meyer | May 12, 2020 | Light poultry, Poultry
Roast chicken is such a comforting meal. Use this easy and very flavourful recipe – the combination of balsamic vinegar, honey and lemon with fresh herbs is always a winner. The roasted lemon rind is just so delicious! Use any of the suggested ways below to make the most of any leftover chicken.
by Heleen Meyer | Feb 11, 2019 | Light meals, Light poultry, Mains, Poultry
By following a few basic cooking principles when preparing chicken fillets, you never need to have a dry, tasteless chicken fillet on your plate (or battle to swallow it). I often hear that people don’t enjoy chicken fillets, as they complain that it’s too dry. When frying it for a short time over the correct temperature, you can have a different experience. Use a pan with a wide, solid base that can retain the heat well and start over a medium temperature – AMC Cookware is perfect for this.
by Heleen Meyer | May 12, 2017 | Light meals, Light poultry
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