Bean & veggie soup

Bean & veggie soup

This is my version of an Italian minestrone with beans and lots of veggies – fabulous to make this weekend! The beans are soaked overnight and then precooked before adding the fresh veggies. This way the beans are soft and the veggies don’t overcook, but still have some texture and lots of colour.

Aromatic citrus chicken

Aromatic citrus chicken

A flavourful chicken dish, so easy to prepare, and this cooking method keeps the chicken juicy. The combination of tomato paste, citrus, spices and tangy apricots is so good.

Slaai met bone & kruie

Slaai met bone & kruie

’n Kleurvolle kombinasie van slaaibestanddele met botterbone as die proteïen. Die geure van die tuisgemaakte slaaisous is heerlik met die bone. Moenie in die versoeking kom om die slaai saam met brood te eet nie, want dis vullend genoeg soos dit is. Enige oorskiet-slaai is perfek vir ’n kosblik.

Three bean salad

Three bean salad

If you’ve been invited to a truly South African braai, you probably had three bean salad. This is my twist on a classic which I developed for AMC Cookware. Homemade is best – you’ve heard that so many times, but for this salad it is absolutely true. You can find three bean salads in tins, jars and even boxes, but this fresh take is so worth it!

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