1 Pizza op 2 maniere

1 Pizza op 2 maniere

Tuisgemaakte pizza is soveel pret! Al wat jy nodig het, is ’n betroubare deegresep, aromatiese tamatiesous en bolae van jou keuse. In die blog gee ek jou al die resepte, wenke en idees om jou eie kombuis in ’n ‘pizza-restaurant’ te omskep.

Roasted pitas with tomato & corn

Roasted pitas with tomato & corn

Roasted pitas are a game-changing recipe. One evening my kids were in the mood for pizza, but there was just not enough time to make the dough. We cut open pitas to use as the pizza base and they were very impressed with this quick fix. Just don’t use too many toppings as it will become too heavy for the pita bases. The spices in the tomato sauce are something special and the combination of corn, tomato and cheese is so tasty. These pitas are perfect for a weekend or holiday treat and even work well as a snack around the braai.

Eier-pizza met maalvleis

Eier-pizza met maalvleis

Eiers, maalvleis, gerasperde kaas en vars tiemie is amper al wat nodig is vir hierdie lekker ete. Die eier word as basis vir ’n pizza-idee gaargemaak en dan word die maalvleis en kaas as bolaag gebruik. En wat is dan nou lekkerder as om Wêreld Eierdag hiermee te vier. Dis wel ook Nasionale Sampioendag, so as daar sampioene in die slaai saam met die eier-pizza is, het jy ’n wonderlike maaltyd wat wag

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