Geroosterde eiervrug met ’n jogurtsous

Geroosterde eiervrug met ’n jogurtsous

Eiervrug is een van daardie groente wat nogal ’n skeidslyn kan wees. Party mense, soos ek, is dol daaroor en ander eet dit glad nie. Of soms is die huiwering omdat mense nie seker is hoe dit gaargemaak moet word nie. Om eiervrug te rooster, is moeiteloos en die gekaramelliseerde smaak met die jogurt, suurlemoen en kruie waarmee dit voorgesit word, is besonders.

Three bean salad

Three bean salad

If you’ve been invited to a truly South African braai, you probably had three bean salad. This is my twist on a classic which I developed for AMC Cookware. Homemade is best – you’ve heard that so many times, but for this salad it is absolutely true. You can find three bean salads in tins, jars and even boxes, but this fresh take is so worth it!

Avocado caprese

Avocado caprese

A showstopper! Enjoy a synergy of flavours like no other! This avocado caprese builds on the famous combination of tomatoes, basil and soft cheese. The creaminess of avocado is just perfect with the acidity of the tomatoes and Westfalia’s Lemon Flavoured Avocado Oil.

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