by Heleen Meyer | Feb 10, 2025 | Sides & salads, Vegetable side
You could almost not get a simpler dish to make if you tried, but the subtle flavours will not be easily forgotten. I have served these mushrooms as a starter or a more luxurious salad. It’s also delicious on toasted Italian bread or skewered on a stick as a canapé with drinks. Use as a ‘sauce’ on a piece of steak or a chicken fillet. Choose a variety of ordinary and wild mushrooms for an interesting taste.
by Heleen Meyer | Dec 5, 2024 | Sides & salads, Starchy side, Vegetable side
Have you tasted the fabulous combination of roasted sweet potatoes, cauliflower and chickpeas before? Roasting veggies brings out the best in them. It’s also a quick and easy cooking methods, as the oven does most of the work. The cauliflower gets a lovely nutty taste, and the natural sweetness of onions and sweet potatoes is absolutely delicious when roasted. And you know I am the cumin queen so that’s why my favourite spice is used in this recipe and it pairs beautifully with the potatoes, cauliflower and chickpeas. The herby yoghurt sauce rounds this veggie main or side dish off perfectly!
by Heleen Meyer | Sep 30, 2024 | Mains, Seafood
Do you struggle to pan-fry a piece of fish successfully? Here’s an easy way that works really well. I also share a few basic tips that will give great end results.
by Heleen Meyer | Aug 19, 2024 | Mains, Poultry
Perfekte gesinskos! Hoender, sampioene en broccoli is altyd ‘n goeie kombinasie. Die lae-koolhidraatgereg is heerlik vullend.
by Heleen Meyer | Aug 13, 2024 | Mains, Seafood
Tuna is so veelsydig en hierdie vinnige eenpotgereg is propvol wintergeure en perfek om sommer uit ’n bakkie te eet. Daar is genoeg stysel in die gereg, so sit dit net so voor vir ‘n vullende ete.