by Heleen Meyer | Aug 7, 2020 | Desserts, sweet treats & baking, Fruit
How can I best describe this apple tart? Caramelised apple wedges with honey, a touch of lemon, cranberries and a delicate combination of spices. But that’s not it yet – it all sits on an almond and butter layer, wrapped in a light and crisp butter pastry. Absolutely delicious. This Pink Lady® apple tart is one of the best I have ever made (and eaten). Yes, it’s a bit of extra work, but oh, so worth it.
by Heleen Meyer | Aug 11, 2017 | Desserts, sweet treats & baking, Fruit, Sweet snacks
These apple and date balls are perfect for lunch boxes, as a treat or mid-afternoon snack. The almonds and oats make them quite filling and the dates and apples add a delicious sweet flavour.
by Heleen Meyer | Jul 31, 2017 | Baking, Desserts, sweet treats & baking
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