Colourful bulgar wheat salad with a tahini dressing
This vegetarian or vegan dish is absolutely delicious! Enjoy it as a meal for six people or make as a side dish for 8-10 people – it’s great when feeding a crowd and perfect for the weekend! This dish can be served warm or at room temperature. Have you cooked bulgar wheat before? It packs a healthy punch.
Maklike mieliesop
’n Mieliesop is dikwels ’n dik en romerige wintersop, maar hierdie is ’n ligte, vars weergawe. Dis so geurig en kan as voorgereg of ligte maaltyd voorgesit word. Maak dit meer vullend met iets soos spek of skyfies chorizo as jy wil.
Spicy peanut rice with eggs
Peanuts are typically enjoyed as a quick snack, but there are many different types of cuisines that use peanuts as a prominent ingredient. This combination of peanuts, spices and aromatic rice is really fragrant. Enjoy this as a fabulous vegetarian meal.
Pangebraaide groente met eier
Soteer groente soos sampioene, boontjies, murgpampoentjies en ertjies is blitsvinnig in ’n pan en geur dit met korrelmosterd en kruisement vir ’n spesiale ete. Die eier maak dit lekker vullend en dis ’n ete wat perfek is vir enige tyd van die dag.
Cheesy quesadillas with corn
Quesadillas are so much fun to make together! And you can literally add anything as a filling, so get a few ingredients together and get quesadilla-ing.
Geurige shakshuka
Shakshuka – dalk ken jy dit nie of het dit nog nooit voorheen gemaak nie, maar dié speserygegeurde tamatiesous met eiervrug en eiers is absoluut heerlik. Die sous is ’n bekende Midde-oosterse gereg en regtig veelsydig. Jy kan dit op soveel maniere geur en dis perfek vir enige ete van die dag. Beslis altyd ’n gunsteling!
Italiaanse groente-gebak
’n Groentegereg vir amper enige tyd van die jaar en propvol geur – dis die lekkerte van hierdie maklike Italiaanse groente-gebak. Die geroosterde geur van die groente is so lekker en dis beslis gesonder as ’n ryk, romerige weergawe. Jy moet dit probeer!
Lentils with baked feta & tomatoes
Have you also tried the famous baked feta idea that took social media by storm earlier this year? How about trying this version: Lentils with baked feta and tomatoes? It’s really delicious and a fabulous vegetarian meal or tasty side dish. My version of this recipe was developed for AMC Cookware and is so easy.
Roasted pitas with tomato & corn
Roasted pitas are a game-changing recipe. One evening my kids were in the mood for pizza, but there was just not enough time to make the dough. We cut open pitas to use as the pizza base and they were very impressed with this quick fix. Just don’t use too many toppings as it will become too heavy for the pita bases. The spices in the tomato sauce are something special and the combination of corn, tomato and cheese is so tasty. These pitas are perfect for a weekend or holiday treat and even work well as a snack around the braai.
Lemon & pea risotto with chicken
Lemon and peas are delicious together and, in this risotto, you can see why.
Risotto is a popular Italian rice dish that can be served as a starter, main course or side dish. Arborio rice is a short grain rice and gives this dish its typical creamy, soft texture. Stock is gradually stirred into the rice so that it can cook slowly, but it should not be cooked until it is completely soft. This simple combination is divine and can be enjoyed as a main meal or light meal without the chicken.