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Grenadella-kaaskoek in ’n flessie

Grenadella-kaaskoek in ’n flessie

Baie mense is dol oor kaaskoek, maar is huiwerig om dit te maak. ’n Gebakte kaaskoek kan maklik droog wees en die gelatien in ’n yskas-weergawe is ’n bestanddeel waarmee min mense gereeld werk. Hierdie is ’n vinnige (en gesonder) alternatief, met ’n heerlike romerige tekstuur en jou gaste gaan beslis dol wees daaroor. Daar is geen bakwerk of gelatienpoeier ter sprake nie – net grenadella-lekkerte!

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Strawberry & vanilla jam

Strawberry & vanilla jam

When it is berry season and you have them in abundance – make jam! My go-to is this strawberry jam recipe. Jam is normally very sweet, but you don’t need as much sugar in this recipe. The lemon juice helps to set the jam and the vanilla pod adds a wonderful flavour, making it more than just jam for toast or buttered bread. It goes well with French toast, waffles, crumpets and even for breakfast or dessert with yoghurt, fresh fruit and nuts. Spread it between two layers of butter cake or use it as a sauce for pudding.

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Berry & cinnamon oat bowls

Berry & cinnamon oat bowls

A bowl of oats is a nutritious breakfast and doesn’t have to be the same every day. Here is a fun and colourful way to brighten up your next breakfast. Berries are known for their health benefits as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and a natural way to sweeten the oats. Enjoy the flavour combination of these fruits with a dash of lemon zest, cinnamon and a sprinkle of nuts and seeds.

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Beïndruk almal met dié spesiale bessietert. Die delikate broskors is nie moeilik om te maak nie en dit word gevul met ’n tuisgemaakte bakkersvla (crème pâtissière). Die tikkie suurlemoen en vanielje in die bakkersvla en ’n fees van vars bessies, is ongelooflik lekker.

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Pink Lady® Apple tart

Pink Lady® Apple tart

How can I best describe this apple tart? Caramelised apple wedges with honey, a touch of lemon, cranberries and a delicate combination of spices. But that’s not it yet – it all sits on an almond and butter layer, wrapped in a light and crisp butter pastry. Absolutely delicious. This Pink Lady® apple tart is one of the best I have ever made (and eaten). Yes, it’s a bit of extra work, but oh, so worth it.

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Granola-krummel met vye

Granola-krummel met vye

Hierdie granola met neute en speserye is ’n baie lekker en veelsydige item om gereed te hê, veral as jy skielik iets indrukwekkends vir gaste moet voorsit. Onderaan die resep is ’n paar maniere waarop dit gebruik kan word. Die gebakte mengsel vries uitstekend, so ek maak sommer ’n dubbele hoeveelheid.

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