Grenadella-kaaskoek in ’n flessie
Baie mense is dol oor kaaskoek, maar is huiwerig om dit te maak. ’n Gebakte kaaskoek kan maklik droog wees en die gelatien in ’n yskas-weergawe is ’n bestanddeel waarmee min mense gereeld werk. Hierdie is ’n vinnige (en gesonder) alternatief, met ’n heerlike romerige tekstuur en jou gaste gaan beslis dol wees daaroor. Daar is geen bakwerk of gelatienpoeier ter sprake nie – net grenadella-lekkerte!
Rose water panna cotta with roasted strawberries
Panna cotta is normally made with cream, but it can be very rich. This is my favourite version and it is much healthier as I use less cream. Buttermilk and yoghurt split quite easily when heated, so follow the method carefully for the best results.
Sjokolademousse met jogurt
Dié maklike Sjokolademousse word met jogurt in plaas van room gemaak, wat steeds ’n heerlike romerige tekstuur verleen, maar minder ryk is. Jy hoef ook nie met eierwitte te sukkel wat eers styfgeklits en ingevou moet word nie. Die groot geheim? Goeie gehalte sjokolade en kakao vir ’n smullekker donkersjokolade-smaak.
Ice cream & berry terrine
In summer, it’s always fabulous to have a dessert, but definitely not a warm one, even if it’s a baked version of some sort. I love to serve this frozen terrine, as it always looks so impressive. The combination of the vanilla cake, creamy ice cream, toasted macadamia nuts, berries and chocolate is popular with everyone.
Homemade lemon curd
In my house, lemon curd is an absolute favourite treat. There are so many ways we enjoy it – on a freshly baked scone, with fruit and berries as dessert or like in this recipe, on warm pancakes.
Layered ice cream cake
A festive dessert that will have everyone thinking you spent hours in the kitchen and yet, it’s quite easy to make. This ice cream cake can be made well in advance, as it can remain frozen for a week or more. When I heard that AMC Cookware added a 16 cm Baking tin to the existing 24 cm and 20 cm versions in the range, I knew it would be perfect for many exciting baking ideas. And it’s really cute too – if a baking tin can be cute!
Pink Lady® apple with Rooibos yoghurt
The crunchy, sweet taste of Pink Lady® Apples perfectly balances with the creamy yoghurt and flavour of the cinnamon. Shop-bought flavoured yoghurt is often high in sugar and hidden ingredients like preservatives, so flavouring your own yoghurt at home is much healthier. Rooibos tea and apples are a lovely combination and the naturally sweet flavour of Pink Lady® Apples in this recipe is out of this world!
Chia seed & coconut puddings with JAZZ™ Apples
Chia seeds have become quite a popular ingredient lately. These little black seeds swell out when exposed to moisture and will set liquid to a jelly-like consistency. Added to that chia seeds have many health benefits, ranging from a high protein and fibre content to lots of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Add it to smoothies or sprinkle over breakfast to enjoy them as part of a healthy meal or used in a dessert, like in this recipe. The combination of coconut milk and vanilla is delicious or try it with cinnamon, it’s as yummy with the apples (see the tips). This is such an easy dessert to make and the crunchy, sweet ‘apple spoons’ are perfect with the toasted toppings.
Romerige appelkoosnagereg
Die somer maak jou vrugtemandjie tot boordens toe vol. Daar’s ‘n kleurvolle verskeidenheid en steenvrugte bring die sonskyn sommer op baie maniere tafel toe. Dit is waarop LiG Tydskrif se Februarie artikel fokus.
Geniet die vrugte nét so of gebruik dit in slaaie of nageregte. As die vrugte oorryp word, kan jy ’n puree daarmee maak om te vries of gebruik vir hierdie heerlike nagereg.
Bevrore grenadella-kaaskoek
Bevrore grenadella-kaaskoek Resep uit Kos is op die tafel Lewer 10 – 12 porsies 30 minute (plus vriestyd) ’n Vinnige alternatief vir ’n gebakte kaaskoek, met ’n heerlike romerige tekstuur. Dis al by vele kuiergeleenthede en selfs funksies voorgesit, want dis ook een...